ROWLES, John, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 460
20 Norfolk Street
Commercial Road
23 July 1819
My Lord,
Humbly I crave your Lordships pardon if this application (being an individual one) is irregular, but presumed to make it in consequence of your Lordship's official circular of the ---- inst, respecting persons or families desirous to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope - with due respect I consider myself of that class to which the said notice applys.
My Lord I was born of respectable though humble parents in the county of Oxford, am of the age of 29 years have a wife and two children have been for the last 15 years employed in a mercantile capacity in the city of London by brokers of respectability; in which servitude I have obtained a superficial knowledge of Trade in general but from the present depression of all branches am unfortunately precluded putting my experience to any purpose by which to obtain a livelihood for my family in this Kingdom. (necessities not allowing I can wait for better times) makes me desirous of change to another part of my country's possessions.
If not too great an intrusion in your Lordships time I beg your directions I may be informed if any ship is appointed to leave for that colony in conformity to the current grant of his Majesty's Parliament? If any agent or person will be appointed to give information to applicants generally? As it appears by your Lordship's circular that not less than ten Persons or Familys can be included in one License or Permission – on which I presume to observe that many may with myself wish to take advantage of the opportunity and yet unknown to each other are prevented making up the number required.
I am your Lordship's very humble servant & subject
- Hits: 6377