National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 599
September 8th 1819
My Lord,
Having seen by the publick papers that government are pleased on certain conditions to take out settlers to Algoa Bay in Africa, I beg leave most respectfully to address thee on behalf of myself, my wife, eights sons & two daughters (names and ages as at foot) who with two agricultural servants wish to go there if it meet thy approbation, two of my said sons are tradesmen viz. carpenter & shoemaker – and as I have no doubt but those of good character & industrious habits will meet with favour from thee I beg with great respect to remark that we can have from our fellow citizens of the first rank & respectability the most unexceptionable testimonials of a loyal moral and industrious deportment on our part – we being of the religious profession of the people called Quakers.
If I might hope for a favourable answer to this application I would entreat thy orders how to proceed in this matter. Being of but poor circumstance am in hopes the conditions will be made as favourable to us as may be.
I am my Lord with the greatest respect
Thy sincere [friend]
Names Ages
John RORKE 50
Sons George 27
William 26
John 24
Thomas 22
Edward 20
Joseph 18
Richard 14
Samuel 8
Daughters Esther & Frances 10 & 2 years
& 2 Labourers
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