National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 508
Sutton upon Trent
6th August 1819
My Lord,
I am wishful to embrace the present liberal offer of Government and proceed either to Canada or the Cape of Good Hope (on the same terms as other officers have been indulged in) as your Lordship may approve or consider more advantageous to the state: being desirous to serve it, wheresoever I may go. But when I inform your Lordship that I have a family of nine children and another expected to be added to that number shortly, and that I am only a retired Lieutenant & Adjutant, I trust I need not say that free passage is indispensable. I served in that rank in the late Corps of Royal Artillery Drivers near twelve years in Ireland and my whole service has been upwards of thirty years in the Royal Artillery, nor have I any other dependence but my retired pay.
Should your Lordship approve & accept my present offer eight of my children viz five girls and three boys will accompany me, the eldest of which will be fifteen and the youngest 2 years old in October next, besides the one expected soon, making nine altogether besides myself & wife.
I trust several families will accompany me who will be useful to the settlement, healthy strong young men with families, of various trades, & who also understand agriculture. Your Lordship will be pleased to be caused to be forwarded to me such information as may be necessary for my guidance in selecting individuals & such other information as your Lordship may deem necessary.
I have the honor to be with great respect
Your Lordships most ob't hbl svt
Lieut & Adjt RAD
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 526
Sutton upon Trent
11th August 1819
In acknowledging receipt of your favor dated 9th instant permit me to request the favor of your answer to the following questions, viz
First – Is it the intention of Government to assign land to officers of the Army in the same proportion as was granted in Canada, if so what would be the grant to me as a Lt & Adjutant
Second – Will any and what proportion be granted to the children of such families as may accompany me above the number mentioned in your letter viz 2, having myself 6 above that number
Third – Will any other accommodation be made on board ship for me & my family above what is made for other settlers.
As the step I am about to take will be permanent in its results, it involves in it serious reflections. I therefore trust you will be pleased to excuse any additional trouble it may cause you and permit me to subscribe myself
Your obed't humble serv't
PS Would you oblige me by favoring me with the names of the transports & commanders and from what port they are to sail
- Hits: 6186