REYNOLDS, Elizabeth (nee MEADLEY), wife of William REYNOLDS (1)
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 640
No.17 Bath Street
Tabernacle Square
Old Street Road
October 18 1819
My Lord,
With the hope that your Lordship will pardon a humble individual for presuming to engage your Lordships Attention for having heard that Government was sending Families to Southern Affrica to form a Colliny for some time I doubted the Authenticity of the Report so did not apply untill Thursday last when I was informed the Number was completed but that if I was apply'd by letter to your Lordship at the Office we should obtain a grant of land by paying our Passage over, which I am affraid will not be in our power to do as there is three of us in family. We should be able to deposite the Ten Pounds better. My husband is 30, the early part of his life he was brought up in the farming business, the last 12 years he has been a Carpenter which he now follows. He has one son 9 years of age. Myself 21 and both in great hopes your Lordship will grant your Petitioners the Land and Passage over as Employment is very scarce in the Winter and we find it very hard to get our living. I myself am well aware of the difficulty in a foreign country having gone to the West Indies when young with my Father who was an officer of the 6th Battallion of the 60th Foot, his name was George MEADLEY, he was murdered on 24th March 1809 at Cornwall Road Port Antonia Jamaica on his return from escorting Sir Eyre COOK part of the way to Kingston [for] a General Review of the Troops which had taken place on that day. He had been 19 years in the army, had fought 9 general engagements in Egypt and other parts of the Globe and by his Sudden Death left my Mother and Myself then 11 years of age destitute in a foreign country to mourn the premature and dreadful Fate of a Husband and Father, except the allowance from Government and a subscription amongst the Officers to which Sir Eyre COOK generously gave 5 doubloons, which inabled us to return to England, but since I have been married which was in June I understand I forfeit the Compassionate Allowance, thus my Lord as the Daughter of a Man who lost his life while in the Service of his Country and who by length of service and good conduct rose from the ranks in the Guards to the situation which he held when he died we have presumed to hope your Lordship will grant our request.
We remain your Lordship's most humble and obedient servants
William and Elizabeth REYNOLDS
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