National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 644
Oct 24th 1819
My Lord,
Having been informed that by applying to your Lordship respecting settlers going to the Cape of Good Hope, I have to request that your Lordship will consider my addressing you; will be taken into consideration as a petitioner & to be considered as one who would embrace the opportunity of becoming a settler at the Cape. I am a married man 25 years old but have at present no family; my profession is vetenary surgeon but not meeting with that success I would wish in my profession I have made up my mind to endeavour to get out to the Cape Good Hope; provided your Lordship takes my application into consideration & if your Lordship will comply with my petition I shall ever feel myself bound to pray for your Lordship. If your Lordship should require references as to my caracter I can have therefore some of the most respectable inhabitants of the Island of Thanet.
I am my Lord
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
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