National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 124
Near Humgerford
12 Aug 1819
Hon. Sir,
Having observed an advertisement in the Reading Mercury respecting persons emigrating to the Cap of Good Hope under the directions and management of the British Government, I beg leave to offer my services to the said Hon'ble Government with several others in this parish, very respectable persons who are desirous of emigrating to the place above allude to. I have been in HM Service in the capacity of Captain's Clerk but unfortunately peace came & thus discharged. John FRANCIS is a mechanic and very ingenious, Wm. KENT is a farmer and a very industrious man has a wife & one child and others I could mention who are willing to go on the above occasion but as I am unacquainted with your place adopted I would thank you to acquaint me & you will oblige
Your most obed't serv;t
PS Please to inform me [if] persons going are provided with a house and other common necessaries and other particulars if you will be pleased to inform me at present as all others very anxious to go
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