POWELL, James, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 88
No.1 Castle Green
August 5th 1819
Understanding that there is a number of persons who will be permitted to go to the Cape of Good Hope i have taken the liberty to solicit permition to go if it should meet your approbation – i am by trade a smith and have a knowledge of iron work in general - i have tools and some money suficient for a small establishment. My age is 32 years wifes age 32 years one child 8 years one do. 5 years & do. 3 years & do. 1 year all in perfect health. Carracter will bear the strictest investigation in morals or workmanship. Can attend in london if required. An answer from you Sir will be considered a great favour by your humble servant
PS I am acquainted with every thing in iron or brass used in Printing
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