PIZEY, Edward
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 324
65 Brunswick St
Stamford St
Blackfriars Road
Oct 21st 1819
My Lord,
I take the liberty of addressing your Lordship upon the subject of a conversation which took place on Tuesday between Mr. WILLSON of Bridge Cottage, Chelsea Water Works and myself.
I must in the first place inform your Lordship that I observed an advertisement in one of the morning papers last week for a Minister of Religion to proceed with a Party of Emigrants to South Africa and having a desire to go thither I offered myself as a candidate for the truly important office.
In consequence of my application I received a letter from Mr. W. requesting an interview and when I called upon that Gentleman he appeared to give me the preference to all the other applicants, owing to my readiness to undertake the Instruction of Youth (in which I have had much experience both in the Classical and in the Commercial Departments) in addition to the Duties of the Ministerial Office, but he at the same time expressed his fears that an objection would be made by your Lordship relative to the Solemnization of Matrimony, as I am a Dissenter from the Established Church.
It is of course quite needless for me to enter into a detail of the Principles upon which I ground my Dissent from that church of which my parents were members and of which I was educated as a Minister. Suffice it to say that my religious opinions strictly coincide with those of the Denomination of Independent Dissenters, which doubtless are well known to your Lordship.
My motive for addressing your Lordship now is merely to ascertain if such an objection really exists in your Lordship's mind, as if it does not I shall have some further conversation with Mr. WILLSON upon the subject in question.
Requesting an answer as soon as is consistent with your Lordship's convenience, I beg to subscribe myself with due respect, my Lord
Your Lordship's most obed't humble serv't
[note from GOULBURN on reverse]
Lord B cannot in the circumstances which he has stated consider him an eligible man to accompany the settlers in question as a religious minister.
- Hits: 5446