PHILLIPS, Benjamin
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 54
Star Corner
Near Bermondsey Church
July 27 1819
Honourable Sir,
Wishing to take advantage of the generous offer of His Majesty's Government by emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope, should be obliged by your information as to what I may expect of land and other particulars.
I shall take a wife out with me but no family and also another person who has a wife and three children and whose name is Robert HALL. We are both by trade carpenters but understand farming.
I remain Hon Sir
Your much obliged humble servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 71
Star Corner
Near Bermondsey Church
July 30 1819
Honourable Sir,
Hoping you will excuse the liberty I have taken in addressing you again upon the subject of emigration to the Cape of Good Hope but as I have expectations of raising by the sale of my property about 2 or 3 hundred pounds should wish to know if myself and the man I take with me should be able to pay our own expences over to the Cape whether his Majesty's government would grant me 200 acres land upon arriving there. Hoping for your answer
I remain honourable Sir
Your obedient servant
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