PASS, William (2)
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 207
[Received 6 Sept 1819]
To the Right Honn Lord Viscount SIDMOUTH
Your servats hearing in the town Birmingham that your Lordship wanted servants in the farming buisness for the Cape of good Hope wee being yong and wishing try our fourtunes in serving your Lordship in that country volunteer for wee being labouring men wee have na money to defray expences to you so by the ad[obliterated – advice?] of a credible gentleman I take the liberty to write in hopes that your Lordship will send us word in return how we must proceed to you for wee are three in number two men and 1 woman and we have to mentain our travil so I am your Humble servat
William PASS
att William SHAWS
Edgbason Stret
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