PARK, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 16
No.2 Olivers Buildings
Everards Street
Church Lane
St. Georges East
July 20th 1819
Honoured Sir,
Having heard that it is the intention of Government to send Free Settlers out to the Cape of Good Hope for the purpose of agriculture and I having been at the Cape 5 years as house steward and residing in the country I am not unacquainted with the farming business. In 1811 I came home to my friends in London. I have been near 4 years an extra tide waiter in His majesty's Customs but there is only employment about six months in the year @ 6d per day who have been in a starving state, if your honour thinks me fitt for & would be thankfull for the nesesary information respecting the terms.
Honoured Sir I am your must humble st.
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 45
July 26th 1819
Honoured Sir,
I beg leave to say that I have received the printed form nesessary for persons emigrating to His Majesty's Colony at the Cape of Good hope but I could wish much to have a few things explained. I would wish to know if Slaves are allow'd by HM Government to clear the ground for the purpose of cultivation as that for one person would be dificult indeed and if implements for husbandry is found and nesessary things for cultivating the land and if I could not gett together so much as 10 able bodied men wether they would be taken as my acquaintance is but very limited. I have now a few in pen and shall endeavour to gett the full compliment and where, when are [we] to make our apearance and a what time and if a dwelling house is to be provided by His Majesty's Government.
Honoured Sir I am your must humble st.
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