OWEN, John
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 957
Aug 30th 1819
My Dear Sir,
Though I feel extremely sorry to trouble you on any matter which concerns myself, yet I cannot forbear intreating you and, so far as you may be enabled to give it, in accomplishing an object which lies very close to my heart.
My second son, now in his 18th year, has been at Bremen for 2 years, partly that he might learn the German language, and partly that he might be less in the way of temptation till I should be able to procure something for him to do. He has of late shown an unsettledness of disposition & a tendency to extravagance and it appears necessary that he should be recalled immediately. In fact he has nothing to occupy a restless mind and when he returns to me he will be in the same situation.
Some foreign appointment seems most likely to suit the turn of his mind and the new settlement in Africa occurred to me as perhaps likely to afford something of the sort. I venture to suggest what has passed in my mind and have only to request the benefit of your judgement & assistance in such way as the many calls upon both may allow you to afford them.
I am, my dear Sir, vary faithfully
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