National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 828
2 Tower Royal
Watling Street
27th July 1819
Feeling disposed to embrace the opportunity now presenting itself of settling in the Cape of Good Hope and as I am confident of being able to form a party equal to the number requir'd and to fulfill the other requisitions stated in the circular I trust I shall not meet with a refusal. I am a young man about 20 – good constitution and well able to bear the fatigues of such an expedition – have been 4 or 5 months out of employ, am single at present – the parties I should wish to accompany me such as I've no doubt will meet the wishes of Government. Several querys I would wish to put and your answer would be esteemed a favor. What luggage each settler or family may take? When the expedition will sail? Whether a young couple or a young manwill be allowed to take one or two boys under 14 yrs of age not his children? Whether any utensils may be had? Does the circular mean 100 acres of land for each settler or for every ten? To whom the money is to be sent?
If respectable references as to character and respectability will be of any service you can command them, Sir, of your most obed't serv't
An answer the first conv't opportunity will be esteemed a gt. favor
- Hits: 6819