NEWSOM, Joseph
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 822
2 Castle Street
26 July 1819
Understanding that Government have given permission for persons to become free settlers at the Cape of Good Hope, under certain restrictions, I beg leave to submit my pretensions for the present application.
Owing the late contest in the Peninsular, I served with the Army in the Commissariat Department, having been appointed to that situation in the year 1812 and was only discharged in consequence of the general peace. During which period, I sincerely trust, that my conduct gave satisfaction to my superiors, as the certificates I possess will I hope confirm. I had the misfortune while in Portugal to lose the whole of my baggage, amounting to upward of ten pounds; it was at that time a serious loss, for it was my all. I have since made application to the Honorable the Board of Claims, and although the loss was certified by my superior officer, I was so unfortunate as to be informed that it was under those circumstances that did not come under their content from the Commissariat also I could obtain no remuneration, but although unsuccessful in my application, I am perfectly satisfied from the handsome manner in which I was answered by the Board of both departments that they were sorry that it was not in their power to give me any assistance. I afterwards endeavoured to obtain (through the Right Hon, the Lord of the Treasury) a situation however humble in the Customs; there also I proved unfortunate, under all these disappointments, I have been under the necessity of living with my friends, and am therefore most anxious if through your kind interferance I may be so fortunate as to be one of those who may be permitted to go as a settler. I have a little property of my own and my friend will advance me a sum of money to accomplish my undertaking.
I can only add, that I shall leave England my native land with regret, I know that there is no Country equal to it for the Government, or the just administration of its laws; but I have no other resource, it is rendered doubly painful to me when I reflect that I am a Freeman and Liveryman of London for thirteen years and that by my votes and exertions I have done my best but very humble endeavours to support this happy constitution and land of liberty, as I can prove by letters of thanks from Sir James SHAW, Sir W'm. CURTIS and others which I am sorry proved unsuccessful as I am unable to obtain any employ here, I hope you will be so kind as to assist me, in taking advantage of the offer made by the Government, and inform me what steps I must pursue.
I am, Sir, with the greatest respect,
Your most obedient humble servant
PS If required, I can produce certificates of my conduct from respectable persons in the City of London
- Hits: 6648