NEWMAN, William (1)
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 840
16 St.James's Street
26th August 1819
An English Gentleman who has been established as a merchant in Italy above twenty years and has realized a small fortune of five or six thousand pounds is desirous of being permitted to emigrate to the new colonies at the Cape of Good Hope without coming to England, and has requested me to ascertain if he may be allowed to become a settler there if he goes from a port in Italy and pays his own expences. He wishes to know what grant of land will be made him & what facilities allowed him; and whatever terms it may be necessary for him to subscribe to, whether he can be allowed to enter into such contract thro the means of his agent in London. He is willing to make any deposit & conform to any other terms that may be required of him. He is 48 years of age and his family consists of his wife who is younger than himself, two sons above the age of 18 a third son 17 a daughter 15 another 14 and four other children under that age, in all eleven persons, and he would take with him as many domestics as would be requisite to entitle him to go, but does not wish to take more than two.
He would require some months to wind up his concerns in Italy and is therefore anxious to know the determination of the Government with regard to him. The favour of an answer is requested.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obed't servant
- Hits: 6683