Filed under P
National Arcives, Kew CO48/45
1 Manly Place
Kennington Common
14 July 1819
Being applied to by several deserving men out of employment (some of them old soldiers) for Information to Emigrate to the Cape of Good hope, I request you will be pleased to acquaint me with the particular conditions on which land is granted by Government to persons emigrating to that colony.
I beg leave to stake, that, in the event of Gov't requiring the assistance of an agent or Superintendent in the colony I shall be happy to be so employed, for which I can give the most unexceptionable references and security.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obed servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 52
No. 1 Manly Place
27th July 1819
I have to acknowledge receipt of your circular letter on the subject of Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope, and should be glad to have some further explanation before I can recommend the men that have applied to me, to leave their native country, the point I wish most particular is, whether Government will furnish all the implements of Husbandry at the Cape and on what terms? Or will the government advance money on the [security] of persons taking out families with the security of the land? And will such land after being brought to a proper state of cultivation be allowed to be transferrable or sold to other settlers at the expiration of three or more years? And what is the situation of the land proposed to be granted and what distance from the Cape?
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble servant
PS in case of reference I beg to mention the Rt Hon'ble J.C. VILLIERS who has known me some years.
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 246
Manly Place
30th September 1819
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd ult on the subject of emigration to the Cape which I have submitted to my correspondents in different parts of the country, and the general opinion amongst them is that agriculturists of small capitals going as settlers to a new Colony and at so great a distance from the mother country are subject to many difficulties which should be guarded against as far as freedom and judgement can suggest. I am therefore directed to submit whether any objection will be made on the part of Government to a plan prepared to obviate such difficulties and sanctioned by several Gentlemen of the highest respectability to form an association of such persons by joining each other's means with parishes and persons of larger sums not exceeding 1000 individuals, thereby establishing a fund for mutual assistance sufficient to secure employment to industrious poor workmen and enabling persons of small capitals to take advantage of the offers of Government to Emigrate, in gradual proportions, with confidence and success!
At present it is only intended (if sanctioned by your office) to send out a few intelligent persons in the proportion of 10 to 100 with proper assistance to take possession of land which the Governm't may be pleased to grant so as to make such arrangements for receiving others of the association, that on their arrival they shall be provided with every thing requisite to cultivate the land &c.
By this number of individuals joining for mutual assistance and advantage binding the interests of each person to support the whole, either by his money or service, will render this unity permanently usefull, and ultimately relieve the country from the expenses of any military establishment in that [part] where this society may be located.
The fund to be raised by this association may be placed in Governm't Security in the names of Trustees or subject any other arrangement approved of by the Secretary of State for general comfit, this being the object of the individuals who are most anxious to avail themselves of the plan and of the Gentlemen who have promised their deposit. I trust the importance of this application will not be diminished from the humble rank of the applicant who has the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble servant
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