National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 782
10th Nov 1819
My Lord,
Influenced by a desire to leave this country I take the liberty of writing to request the favour of your Lordship giving me some information respecting the new settlement about to be established at the Cape of Good Hope. First the manner in which it is to be governed, the terms on which settlers and their property are to be conveyed, the manner in which they are to be settled when they arrive there, the most usefull commodity a settler may take along with him, with a rough sketch of the measures Government propose to those inclined to emigrate, and as it will require some time to arrainge my affairs shall feel greatly obliged in your Lordship answering this as early as possible, at the same time informing me when there will be a conveyance for settlers to the Cape.
I remain my Lord
Your Lordships most ob't hum sev't
NB I am now 38 years of age, have a wife and three children, capital about eight hundred pounds
My address
M. MOORHOUSE, Mercer, Pontefract Yorkshire
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 798
24th Nov 1819
My Lord,
I have received your Lordship's letter of the 12th inst informing me that the whole number of persons intended to be sent to the Cape of Good Hope this year is already compleat; but noticing that in this days paper an advertisement of Government intention to send out a further number of five thousand more setlers to the Cape I take the liberty of making this early aplication to your Lordship on that account and refer your Lordship to my letter of the 10th inst.
I am your Lordship's most obd't hum sev't
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