National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 535
Avely, Essex
29th July 1819
Having a desire to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope with my wife and family consisting of 6 children namely two sons between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years, one son and three daughters under fourteen years of age, being by trade a cooper and have been employed as such for some years in the West Indies, but do also understand something of the Agricultural Business and my three sons have likewise been for some time employed therein. Understanding that a grant of land is to be made to each settler on his arrival at the Cape, but that the victualling at Government expence shall cease as soon as landed at the settlement. Now Sir, what I beg to know is how myself wife and family are to be supported until the land so granted is to be brought into cultivation, or untill the first harvest is got in, for I must acquaint you that I am a man in very indigent circumstances and by no means able to support myself and them. What information you can give on this point will be most thankfully acknowledged and received by, Sir
Your most humble and obedient servant
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