National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 509
Union Street
August 7th 1819
My Lord,
Observing it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to establish a settlement at Algoa Bay on the S.E. part of the Cape of Good Hope, and having been several times at that Colony I beg if it is not presumptuous in me to point out a situation wherein I might be usefull – that is as Port Captain.
No doubt but your Lordship will see the necessity that some nautical person should have the direction of those ships that may visit the Bay, also to take charge of any [stores?] that may be placed in his care. By a residence there I shall be able to point out the most proper anchorage and at what time of the year it will be most prudent for ships to lay with safety. Should ships want assistance by distress I may be usefull – if your Lordship should think such an appointment necessary I shall feel much obliged by your confering it on me.
I remain your Lordship's obedient humble serv't
Lieutenant RN
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