MADDOX, Thomas
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 729
5th October 1819
Honoured Sir,
I am extremely sorry to inform you that my wife having heard an unfavourable account respecting the Cape of Good Hope she has for her part declined going and even gone to the Heads of the Parish to prevent my selling any part of the Goods which will prevent my going except I may be allowed to go alone with the little money I can make up without selling things here, which will I hope be about £3. I am very willing to go myself and can work my passage there having served nearly 12 years in the Portsmouth Division of Marines, during which time I acquired some knowledge of shoemaking, and I would turn my hand to anything to render myself useful both whilst going over and after my arrival at the Cape so that I may never become troublesome to the Government after my arrival at the Place. Should I be favoured with a passage and I am required at any future time to take up Arms in defence of the Government I shall be ready to do it. The Company I was to go with was Charles HYMAN's to whom I beg you will address as follows by return of post if possible as his return must be made on Thursday next.
I remain with the greatest respect
Your very humble servant
At Charles HYMAN's
Short Street
Near Westbury
PS I hope you will allow me to go as I am very anxious to go alone if my wife will not
[Transcriber's note: Thomas MADDOX and his wife Susan and two children appear on Charles HYMAN's first return, but not on the subsequent one he submitted. Thomas and Susan appear together on the 1841 census for Westbury, both weavers living at Dilton Marsh]
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