National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 747
13 Oct 1819
My Lord,
Seeing in the newspapers encouragement held out by Government for emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope and as several families in the neighbourhood are inclinable to go thither upon terms that may appear equitable. As employ is difficult to be met with here at present I am deemed by two families residing in the town of Plymouth to solicit your Lordship's particular information of the terms which are proposed to families or individuals. The heads of the two families making this enquiry are by trade carpenters and conversant also with husbandry and farming. They apprehend they are to be taken out gratis, but wish thoroughly to understand the terms and from what port they are to be shipped and what encouragement given on their arrival and to what part of the Cape they are to be sent &c &c
The favor of a reply to these queries addressed to Mr. John MACEY, Stationer, Plymouth will be respectfully attended to and if appearing as expected it is apprehended will produce many more to emigrate to this country in these difficult times.
I am with due respect my Lord
Your Lordship's most humble servant
- Hits: 6817