McGILL, James et al
Filed under G
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 392
28 August 1819
My Lord,
Having seen an official letter in the newspapers intimating that Government wish to establish a colony at the Cape of Good Hope by emigration from this country who are to be sent out with a free passage and other liberal offers. As there is a number here of different occupations who wish to embrace the opportunity but being destitute of information we therefore request to know the following particulars. Are there any office appointed for applicants in Scotland. Will ten able bodied persons with there families on advancing the different sums of money required by the regulations, and being otherwise approved of be accepted each individual on his own account. If not, what is the nature of the charge the individual who deposits the money is to have over the rest and what security must he give Government. Will the person emigrating possessed only of the sum of money specified by Government be able to establish themselves, if not what will be required.
We the following whose names are here annexed and willing to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope, should his Majesty's Government think proper to accept us, but are anxious to know if we will be approved of in order that we may arrange matters accordingly, should Government require any other information we are willing at any time to communicate it. We are my Lord
Your Lordship's most obed't hbl sev't
James McGILL
- Hits: 5946