LUCAS, P, 1820 Settler
[Transcriber's note: This is could Philip LUCAS the 1820 settler, as the ages are about right for his children]
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 460
22 Swithin's Lane
Cannon Street
17 Dec'r 1819
P. LUCAS's most respectful compliments to Mr. GOULBURN, should feel himself particularly obliged if he wd condescend to favor him with of the enclosed questions [sic]. He feels sorry to intrude on his time but he is very anxious to go to the Cape of Good Hope with his family, which consists of 3 females ages 67, 42, 11 & 3 males 42,19,18. He has a little property, say about £200, he has been bro't up for 8 years of his youth to farming & they mean to remain as settlers. He wishes to know if Government means to send out any more, if so what time does Mr. G expect the next ship to sail – if they do not whether PL could have a grant of land for himself & 2 sons on the same terms as the rest of the settlers by his paying his own expences – which if granted whether Government could convey him & familly to Algoa Bay direct. Shd Government send any would Mr. G. favor him by putting his name down to go by the next conveyance. PL does not know that if he pays his expences how to proceed in the business as he finds it very difficult to find ships going their & at too great a distance from the Cape of Good Hope to travel by land. Wd Mr. G be so kind as to inform him how he is to proceed in it would be gratefully felt by
Sir, your obed't serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 462
22 St.Swithin's Lane
Received 24 December 1819
Does your kind letter allude only to settlers going out at the sole expences of Government – I mean if the Earl will grant me the land to pay my own expence & passage. The season for working the ground is May, June & July, the rainy season, therefore if Mr.G would grant him for himself & sons 200 acres PL would find a conveyance – if the grant &c be given him an answer would greatly oblige
Yr humble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 464
22 St.Swithin's Lane
31st Dec 1819
Not having my ans'r from my last letter I should feel myself obliged if you would state wether I could obtain a grant of land. I have a small capital of abt £300 or £400 & wish to become a settler at the Cape Colony & shall be prepared with requisite security if required.
P. LUCAS has heard that there is a ship likely to sail abt Feb'ry & he cannot put his name down untill he knows wether he can procure the land on his arrival.
I am yr obd'r serv't
He wishes to take out a workman & his family
P. LUCAS 3 males 42,19.18
3 females 42,67,11
James PHILLIPS 2 males 34,7
2 females 34, 2
PL supposes he is entitled to land for all above the age of 18. Should Government send out any more by Feb'y or March to arrive before their winter sets in shd give the preference of going at Government expence if will pay all
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