LOVATT, Thomas
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 305
August 3rd 1819
My Lord
Having seen the copy of a circular letter on the proposed encouraged emigration to the Cape of Good Hope & the offer therein, I find seems to draw very much the attention of the lower classes of the people of this town & neighbourhood - many of whom have apply'd to me (one of the overseers of the poor of this township) wishing to go. The want of employment here having reduced them (mechanics & others) to a dependance in a great measure on the parish for support.
If these are the description of people your Lordship wishes should be of the number, permit me to request information on the following points:-
At whose expense they are to be passed from their homes to the place they are to embark from. Where that place is & by what means they are to be supported should any time elapse after their arrival untill their embarcation, and what other information may be thought necessary.
My motive being to serve my fellow creatures will I trust in the estimation of your Lordship offer an apology sufficing for the liberty taken.
I am, My Lord
Your Lordship's most obdt & most hble servant
Draper, High Green
- Hits: 6945