LITTON, Alexander Hague
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 326
31 Paradise Row
August 11th 1819
My Lord,
As the means of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope has been afforded to such families as wish to avail themselves of it I take the liberty of enquiring through your Lordship whether it is the intention of Government that a schoolmaster properly qualified should be appointed for the settlement for the purposes of Education. If it be I beg to offer myself as a candidate for the situation provided the salary and recommendations be such as will enable me comfortably to maintain my family, consisting of my wife, six children and a nephew (four boys and three girls), as your Lordship must be aware that a conscientious discharge of duty in this situation would allow but little time to devote to the purposes of Agriculture, at the same time that I would solicit a grant of land for my children.
I beg leave to assure your Lordship that the person who has the honor of addressing you is of the highest respectability in his profession as a Teacher of English Writing &c, Mathematics & Accounts in this City for many years, but seeing very little prospect of providing for a family in this Kingdom he is induced to offer himself (if such engages the attention of Government) to your Lordship's consideration. It may be necessary to inform your Lordship that I am 38 years of age and a Protestant of the Established Church, and as to moral character, loyalty and abilities I have at present the most satisfactory testimonials. I take the liberty of accompanying this letter with the enclosed prospectus (the original signatures annexed to which I have in my possession) leaving no doubt but that some of them from their official situations in this City must be known to your Lordship, all of whom can certify for my character and abilities with respect to the system of education afforded to youth in this prospectus. I am only qualified to teach what I have already stated to your Lordship but my nephew, who would accompany me, is a tolerably good classical scholar so that the children of settlers would have an opportunity of acquiring at least a good [simple?] education, which is probably all that would be necessary and upon any other Business the Government would find in me an active and confidential agent. If I have in any degree trespassed upon your Lordship or that my application has been in any way irregular I ask your Lordship's pardon and beg to apologize but having had an idea of going to America I would prefer being under the protection of the British Constitution to which I am firmly attached. Should your Lordship require a personal interview I shall be happy to undertake a journey if my means enable me: waiting your Lordship's answer
I am with the highest degree of respect
Your Lordship's obedient humble servant
Alex'r Hague LITTON
328 [printed prospectus]
Established for the Instruction of Youth
Designed for Mercantile Pursuits, Public Offices, Royal Military Colleges &c
On the system of a liberal English Education
Under the direction of
(Author of the ‘Compendium of Arithmetic', ‘Practical Geometry' &c)
31 Paradise Row, Dorset Street
Patronised by many of the most respectable characters in this City
Amongst the many excellent institutions established in this Country for the instruction of Youth, it has not hitherto patronised one exclusively Commercial, connected with the advantages of a liberal English education; the great utility of which, must appear evident, when it is considered that those actively employed in mercantile pursuits, are frequently called on to the discharge of the most important duties, not only in the commercial but also in the political world.
Mr. LITTON having been for several years engaged, both as a public and private Teacher, in the various branches of English Literature, consulted with some friends on the propriety of establishing such an Institution which, having met their most decided approbation, he respectfully submits to the consideration of the public, a System of Instruction which, he presumes, is calculated not only to prepare youth for business in general, but to give them the information of Gentlemen – an object equally desirable in commercial, as in literary pursuits.
In proposing this system Mr. LITTON is not influenced by a wish to connect it with the idea of any new experiment, as the Establishment has already been conducted on a plan nearly similar, to the satisfaction of some of the first Characters in the kingdom, who have honoured him with the education of their Children; - his object is, to render the Institution deserving of public patronage, by holding forth the advantages of a liberal English, Commercial and Mathematical Education.
Comprises SPELLING and READING, with accuracy of pronunciation, an intimate acquaintance with the Works of the best Authors in our own language, and the translations of the ancient Classics – GRAMMAR and PARSING, applied to Composition and epistolary Correspondence – SACRED, ANCIENT and MODERN HISTORY – ASTRONOMY and GEOGRAPHY, with the Use of the GLOBES and MAPS – WRITING, on the most modern principles and finished style – ARITHMETIC and BOOKKEEPING on improved methods – EUCLID's ELEMENTS and PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, with their application to ALGEBRA and a general Course of MATHEMATICS – FRENCH, as connected with our commercial interests in France and on the Continent - *CLASSICS, as preparatory for entrance into the Royal Military Colleges of Woolwich, Sandhurst and Marlow; and as far as may be necessary for such Professions as do not require an Education for the University.
* A Gentleman from College attends the Institution in this Department
DAY PUPILS: ENTRANCE, One guinea and a half – TUITION in the whole English Course, with French, including the charges for Paper, Pens, Inks and Judgment Books, Three guineas per quarter; without French, Two guineas and a half per quarter. JUNIOR BOYS, Two guineas per quarter for the first year only, and on the commencement of their second, to pay the full terms. No extra charges, except 5s 5d per annum for fire money, payable the 1st August.
The Terms are reduced in proportion, where two or more Pupils from the same Family, enter the Institution
BOARDERS (Number limited to Six): ENTRANCE Six guineas – BOARD and TUITION in the whole English Course, with French, including Charges for Stationery, Washing &c, Sixty guineas per Annum. Gentlemen left at the Institution during the Summer Vacation pay One guinea per week additional.
The accounts are payable on the 1st February, May, August and November. Day Pupils or Boarders, entering between any of these dates, are charged in proportion to the next quarterly day of payment. The Accounts of Boarders, whose Parents or Guardians reside in the country, are furnished a fortnight before they fall due. No deductions made for occasional absence, or the regular Vacations (one Month in Summer and a fortnight at Christmas), therefore, a Quarter commenced by either Day Pupil or Boarder, is to be paid in full.
The House is large and commodious, with an extensive rere. The School-room, separate from the House, is allowed to be one of the best in the City, and the situation both healthful and central.
The Institution is open during the hours of Instruction, (from nine o'clock until three,) for the inspection of its Patrons, and the Public, who are respectfully invited to visit it.
Mr. LITTON having from long experience, observed the very great deficiency of Boys educated at CLASSICAL SCHOOLS, in Writing, Accounts &c (for the truth of which he appeals to Parents and Guardians), respectfully acquaints his Friends, and the Public, that he gives Instruction three Evenings in the week, from Six until Eight o'Clock, to a limited number of young Gentlemen, in Writing, Accounts, Bookkeeping, Geography, Use of the Globes and Maps, affording to Youth, engaged in Classical pursuits, or those whose hours in the forenoon, are otherwise engaged, an opportunity of acquiring in a short time, a competent knowledge of the USEFUL BRANCHES OF EDUCATION.
Ladies and Gentlemen receive private Instruction, either at their own or Mr. LITTON's residence.
Dublin, May 1st 1819
The following highly respectable Characters, have kindly consented to Patronise this Institution. Mr. LITTON begs to remark, that he has had the honour of Instructing the Children of those Parents and Guardians, to whose Name this mark (…) is prefixed, to whom he refers for Character and Abilities in his Profession.
…The Very Rev Dean BLAKELY, Connor
Rev. Gilbert AUSTIN, Maynooth
…Rev. James SLATOR, Naas
Rev. Thomas GAMBLE, Paradise Row
…Charles BUSHE Esq, Solicitor General, Ely Place
…James CLEGHORN Esq MD, Rutland Square
…Joseph CLARKE Esq MD, Granby Row
William PLUNKETT Esq, Commissioner of Excise
Edward HEARN Esq, Accountant General, Custom-house
…Alderman CASH, Granby Row
…Alderman DARLEY, William Street
…Alderman BLOXHAM, Gardiner's Place
Alderman JAMES, Rutland Square
…Lloyd Henry THOMAS Esq, Upper Gardiner St
…Graves Chamney SWAN Esq, Leinster St
…William HARKNESS Esq, Dominick St
James GROGAN Esq, Dorset St
Robert HALL, North Great Georges St
Mark MONSERRAT Esq, Summer-hill
…Daniel KINAHAN Esq, Merrion Square
Richard LITTON Esq, Lower Ormond Quay
…William SUPPLE Esq, Mountjoy Street
…Mark MAGRATH Esq, Nelson Street
…Major SETON, Blessington Street
…Thomas RICHARDSON Esq, Granby Row
William Shaw MASON Esq, Camden Street
Hickman KEARNEY Esq, Charlemont Street
…Bennett DUGDALE Esq, Dame Street
…John BRADSHAW Esq, Dorset Street
…Robert LYONS Esq, Dorset Strret
…Richard PLUNKETT Esq, Margaret Place
…Hugh Bell HAUTENVILLE Esq, Custom-house or New Dunleary
…Edward TRIM Esq, Dame Street
William JEMISON Esq, Dorset Street
John GALLOWAY Esq, North Cumberland Street
James VANCE Esq, Custom-house
James HARDIMAN Esq, Paradise Row
Richard WRIGHT Esq, Lower Ormond Quay
John CLASSON Esq, Blackhall Place
Richard POWELL Esq, Stephen's Green
Joseph PASLEY Esq, Frederick Street
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