National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 289
3 Elizabeth Place
Westminster Road
July 30th 1819
My Lord
I understand persons desirous of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope will be informed by you the terms on wich government send people there
I am your most humble servant
3 Elizabeth Place
Westminster Road
My Lord,
I received the proposals for sending emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope but I wish to know if the one individual in ten is to have the means of employing & supporting the rest when they are landed, if it is not so, be so kind as to inform me whether government lends the settler any habitation, grain to sow with, agricultural implements, or how it is proposed they are to support themselves till the harvest comes in. There are ten of us ready provided one is allowed to pay the ten pounds for each man and have no controul over the rest.
I am Sir your most obedient humble servant
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