LEWIS, David
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 239
Milford, February 4th 1819
May it please your Lordship
From a correspondence I have had with the Hon'ble Colonel Rob't Faulk Greville [Col.Robert Fulke Greville was Equerry to George III] on the subject of the Colonization of the Cape of Good Hope, I am by him to apply to your Lordship. I now beg permission most respectfully to be informed on what term encouragement would be given to settlers inclined to embark for that colony. Friends and self with a capital of about 2000£ with a family of children and servants amounting to 20 souls are inclined to proceed in the coarse of this year with an intention of cultivating the vine, corn and tobacco, provided your Lordship will inform us what quantity of land will be allotted us according to our capital and also inform us wether it is the intention of Government to grant us a free passage out with proportion of tonnage for implements and furnture.
Would your Lordship be pleased to give us such information as guidance for our future consideration.
Your Lordship's most hbl sev't
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