KNOTT, Robert Rowe
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 173
Near Canterbury
July 22 1819
My Lord,
Having seen through the medium of newspapers that Government is very desirous of prosecuting an emigration from this country to the Cape of Good Hope; and hearing at the same time that clergymen are to be selected to accompany it, I have taken the liberty of addressing your Lordship, which I trust will be pardoned when I say that I am entirely ignorant of any other more proper channel of application to your Lordship.
I am a young man of twenty three years of age, of St. John's College Cambridge who has taken the degree of A.B. last June and being no less anxious of entering into Holy Orders than to visit a foreign country I humbly offer myself to your Lordship's attention for the purpose of obtaining a situation either as a clergyman at the Cape or in what capacity soever your Lordship may deem me worthy of. I can provide testimonials of character &c from my college and from the neighbourhood in which I live signed by the surrounding clergy. If your Lordship will deign to give me an answer stating whether or no I have any chance of preferment in my wished for profession at the Cape of Good Hope your Lordship will infinitely oblige
Your Lordship's most respectful, humble & most obedient servant
Robt. Rowe KNOTT
PS I will take upon me to say that I think myself prepared at this moment to pass an examination for Orders.
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