National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 226
High Street
19th Oct 1819
May it please your Lordship
My writing to you is upon the subject of enquiring (that is) my reading in the newspapers some time ago that there was an opening for emigration to the Cape of Good Hope and understanding still that the opening still continues I refer to your Lordships consideration, as I ham a Pensioner, whether I may be allowed to emigrate or not and if I ham whether I should be allowed to sell my pension to Government for life or whether I may have so much pension advanced to me or not, I ham a Pensioner from the 43rd Regt of foot at 6d per day aged 35 years in bodyly health and strength. Can do husbandry but have been out of work a long time, and I have a wife and one child therefore if your Lordship will condscend to answer this my humble applycation and to send me the grounds of emigration it will oblige
Your Lordships most obed't humble serv't
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