KING, William (2)
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 228
11mo 7 1819
Respected Friend Earl BATHURST
i have a hope thou wilt excuse the liberty of writing to thee on this wise i am desirous of going to cape of good hope if a free passage can be obtained for me if it can be obtained i should be pleased with an answer by return of post as i wish to know as soon as possible before i engage myself in any situation and if a free passage can be obtained be please to say where & when i am to apply to as i am in a situation in life not able to pay my passage over therefore i have a hope thou wilt do the most thee can for me as i cannot attend personally at this time
Thy well wishing Friend
Direct to Wm.KING at J & Wm SKEVERY, Basingstoke Hants
- Hits: 5510