KING, John (1) and Thomas DONAHOE
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 217
28th September 1819
The Memorial of John KING, Out Pensioner of the Royal Hospital Kilmainham from 42nd Foot and Thomas DONAHOE, late of the 97th Foot
Humbly sheweth
That your Lordships memorialists, desirous of proceeding to His Majesty's possessions in the Cape of Good Hope as Settlers, memorialised the Secretary at War for permission and from that department was referred to your Lordships, and therefore humbly supplicates your Lordship will be graciously pleased to allow them to proceed to that colony as such, submits the whole to your favourable consideration and with impatience awaits the result.
All which is humbly submitted
By John KING
Thomas DONAHUE X his mark
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