JONES, Commander
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 150
Near Ross
Dec 24 1819
My Lord,
I have wrote to Captain TURNER of the Weymouth Store Ship bound for the Cape of Good Hope to intercede with him to take Mary HALE, wife of George HALE of the 30th. He is now on duty there. The clerk informs me I must obtain an order from you to Captain TURNER if you will be so kind as to give her a passage to her husband, you will give great satisfaction to a distressed woman – She is sober, clean & honest & can wash well free from incumbrance. I hope your Lordship will excuse the liberty of writing to you.
I am with the greatest respect your most hbl servant
Com'dr JONES
[Transcriber's Note: Mary HALE did not appear on the Muster Roll of the Weymouth]
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