National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 24
No.123 Long Alley
July 21st 1819
Having understood it is the intention of Government to send persons as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope I therefore become an applicant for myself and family. I am by trade a bricklayer, 36 years of age with a wife and 5 children, 3 of which are strong hearty boys the other 2 are girls. I have served his Majesty in the Commisariat Waggon Train in France as Sargeant and since my return have not had more than half my time employed which makes me wish to go believing that by industry I shall be able to procure a living for may family.
I am Sir your most obedient humble servant
NB Having lived the former part of my time in the country I am not ignorant of agriculture.
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