IRWIN, Christopher et al
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 104
Sept 7th 1819
The humble petition of Christopher IRWIN, Andrew MERNAGH and Thomas FITSIMMONS
Humbly sheweth
That through the Badness of the Times and want of work hearing that there is a Colony gowing to be formed in the Cape of Good Hope your petitioners wood wish to get the Liberty of gowing with their families out there as they wood wish to earn bread for them and it is not now in their Power for want of work. One of your petitioners serv'd His Majesty for thirteen years and wood serve him tomorow if called up again in the Navy, that is Andrew MERNAGH is a Carpenter by trade. Your petitioner Christopher IRWIN served with the Navy and is a Carpenter. And the other that has served His Majesty as before stated Thomas FITSIMMONS is a sawyer by trade. Patrick ANCHOR is a turner by trade and wood wish to go to. Your Lordship having the goodness to grant the prayers of the within petition your petitioners are in duty bound will be bound to pray
Christ. IRWIN
Patrick ANCHOR
Your Lordship will have the goodness to direct your answer to Christopher IRWIN at
No.7 Bonham Street
155 Church Street
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 105
Hoping your Lordship will excuse the ignorance of your petitioners and set them right in the way to take the opportunity that now offers. Your Lordship's petitioners will ever pray for your health and welfare. Your Lordship will be pleased to send instructions in what marner we are [to] conform our selves sou that we may succeed in our application.
We remain your Lordship's humble servant
Christ. IRWIN 155 Church St
Patrick ANCHOR
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 116
Sept 29th 1819
My Lord,
I had the honour of your letter of the 13th relative to my application of gowing to the Cape of Good Hope. Your Lordship refers me to a circular letter which states the condisions under which assistance can be granted to individuals. I request that your Lordship will be so good as to send me one of the letters that your Lordship refers to as I can gain no information in what manor to proceed and their is number of Persons in the same predicament as myself. Their are many men that would be willing and anxious to go with me if your Lordship will be sou good as to allow us on the Book of the settlers. I will mention their names & occupations in case your Lordship will grant the [obscured] of our petition and your Lordship's petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray
Christpher IRWIN, Cabinet Maker & Carpenter, wife & two sons
155 Church Street
Thomas FITSIMMONS, Sawyer, no family
Andrew MERNAGH, Sayer, a wife and four children all grown up
Patrick ANCHOR, turner, a wife
Thomas CONNELL, Labourer, no family
Robert SAUNDERS, Cabinet Maker, a wife
Thomas SCOTT, no family
Thomas BYRNE, no family
Henry MOONEY, no family
and their is number that I have not inserted their names
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