National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 551
No. 17 Bucklesbury
July 21, 1819
About three years ago James CAMERON a Sadler, and James REID a mill carpenter, emigrated to the Cape of Good Hope leaving each, a wife and three or four children in Perth, they are industrious people and good tradesmen, and are very desirous to have their wives and children sent out to them but they have not the means.
The purport of the present is to request you will inform me whether, under the circumstance of the husbands being already out, the wives and children, can be sent to them, upon the terms stated, in the Public prints as issued from your office, or, if not by what means this point can be accomplished.
Your known readiness to oblige the public on these points precludes the necessity of apology on my part for this liberty.
I am Sir your obedient servant
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