National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 566
Midleton Jul 25, 1819
Honor'd Sir
I William HUMPHREYS of the 88th Reg't, who have served 5 years, 307 days as appears by my discharge from said Reg't, do take the liberty of addressing you for to grant me the privilege of proceeding to the British Settlements North America which belong to his Majesty as I have received no pension allowance although being wounded in the battle of Ortes, Portugal, Spain and France. And in consequence of the reduction of the troops at the time of peace, was sent home together with many others. I therefore thank you to grant me the permission of proceeding to America as I understand you are invested with every power thereunto belonging and as s soldier and a loyal subject will feel highly indebted to you for your compliance and will be ever thankful.
NB If this should merit an answer, please direct to Midleton, County of Cork, Ireland, all I have in family is my wife and myself as I understand it must be inserted
- Hits: 5861