HULKE, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 937
No.4 Valentine Row
Blackfriars Road
Dec 21st 1819
My Lord,
Being desirous of emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope with my family, and being ignorant of the steps to be taken, as well as some other particulars, I have presumed to address your Lordship, most respectfully soliciting your Lordship will be pleased to condescend to give me such information as your Lordship may deem proper.
I am ignorant of the deposit required by Government, where, when & to whom it is to be paid and how returned.
Whether on arriving at the Cape the assistance of Government entirely ceases or if Government will still and to what degree assist the industrious emigrant.
Whether it is not indispensably necessary either to take out the families to join with a party of ten families, under the person who takes them out, or if we can go out without placing ourselves under such superintendence.
Whether in case we are placed under such superintendant it is, or is not, a matter of necessity to serve him a specified period – and the principle upon which such service is required, as I have heard it asserted it is required from one to three years.
How I am to obtain, or to whom to apply to, when there, to obtain that land granted and the quantity granted, is it 10 or 100 acres to each family.
And lastly what if any specific weight of luggage is allowed to each individual, or to each family, and in case the baggage exceeds the weight allowed the captain or master of the vessel is not permitted to take such extra weight as freight, or its being paid for.
I have the honor to be with the utmost respect
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
Will,m HULKE
- Hits: 6247