HOYLAND, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 725
17th August 1819
The humble petition of William HOYLAND of Healey near Sheffield in the County of York
Most humbly sheweth
That your Lordship's humble petitioner has served His Majesty eight years and nine months in the 5th Battalion Royal Regiment of Artillery and was discharged a Bombardier in 1814 in consequence of reduction to the peace establishment, having seen in the public prints that a new settlement is about to be formed at the Cape of Good Hope, your humble petitioner being destitute of employment is anxious with the whole of his family, viz a wife and one child and three brothers, to become settlers at the above mentioned place, and hopes that your Lordship will take his case into consideration.
And your Lordships humble petitioner will as in duty bound ever pray &c
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