HEFFER, William
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 836
Oct 6th 1819
Your petishioner who address'd you has serv'd 7 years in the 5th? Lt Regt Foot at Sergt and was in the Bttle of Waterloo. Discharged on the Reduction of the Army last Nov'r and having been out of employment about half the time since I was discharged and having heard of the emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope I thought proper to address you as I should like to go out if I could get my Passage Free as I was Brought up in the country and use to all kind of farmers work. I ham turnd 30 years of age and allways healthy at home or abroad. Sir I shall be greatly oblige to you to return me a ancir by the return of Post stating the artickles of agreement and how I am to proceed in it as I thought a writing to His Royal Highness the Duke of York untill I was informed of your office.
Ham yours
Direct to me at Great Shelford, near Cambridge
And I shall be greatly oblige to you.
Sir, I ham a single man and no Incumbrance Whattever
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 873
Great Shelford
Near Cambridge
Oct 17 1819
I am very sory to think that I have to trouble you with another letter as I wrote to you wen I was in London and received no ancir from the letter as I was informed you ancired all letters as I ham intirely out of employment and should like to go out to the Cape of Good Hope if you please to grant me my Passage wich I shall be for ever oblige to you for it as I ham allways healthy wen abroad and hope Sir you will consider my state and grant me leave to go as I shall be ever thankfull
I ham your humble servant
Pray end me a ancir by return of post and the terms I ham going upon
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