HEATH, James
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 719
Clifton Hampden
nr Abingdon
August 16th 1819
My Lord
Ever since I was made acquainted with the intention of his Majesty's Ministers respecting
the new Colony at the Cape, I have felt an inaccountable inclination to render the poor adventurers every assistance in my power and I now make application to your Lordship for some appointment there, that will enable me to gratify that propensity.
The resolution to exile myself from my native country and expose myself to all the dangers and privations of an uncivilized land, has been strengthened by viewing the measure now in contemplation, as one of the most brilliant of those many gains that have illumined and advanced
the glorious epoch of the present administration, being highly calculated, under these wise regulations by which, no doubt the plan will be matured not only to alleviate the distresses of the adventurers but also to advance the honor and prosperity of this country. Still, my Lord, although I feel such enthusiasm in the cause, I should have felt too diffident to have made the above application had I not been encouraged by those, whose judgement I revere; and had I not likewise considered myself calculated to render an infant colony composed as it may be , mostly of mechanics, no inconsiderable service having been bred up to the pursuit of agriculture, with the different vagaries of which, I am pretty conversant: as likewise by being not altogether ignorant of the British Constitution. Yet as neither riches nor honors are the primary object I have in view, I leave, with the greatest pleasure, the specific nature of the appointment to the superior judgement of your Lordship, whether it pertains to the political economy or judicial management of the Colony.
Happy indeed shall I be to fill an inferior office, if more suitable persons can be found to undertake the more responsible duties. I had the pleasure of an interview [torn part of page] with the dean of C.C.C. (Dr HALL) [torn part of page] morning and his having known [torn part of page] several years decided me to refer you to him for these testimonials your Lordship may think necessary. If this in any measure meet your Lordship's approval the appointment of an early interview will greatly oblige as I have my affairs to arrange which will take some time.
I am My Lord
Your Lordship's humble servant
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