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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.


[Transcriber's note: it is not clear from his signature in these letters whether his initials are J.W. or J.M., but the address proves that this is the John HAWKINS of the Hardwick Society who was the original leader of COCK's Party until his arrest for debt. According to The Settler Handbook the "small remuneration for trouble given" sent to GOULBURN was a bribe of £20, immediately returned]

National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 584




26th July 1819


It being in contemplation of Government to assign a certain quantity of Land at the Cape of Good Hope to any person that should be approved of and who has the means of taken out a given number of Families under the conditions that will be given by the Earl of Bathurst I therefore beg his Lordship will allow me to take out 20 Families and likewise my Friend Mr FOX 20 Families should his Lordship on our examination approve of us as being fit persons for that purpose. Your answer stating the particulars will oblige Sir

Your Most Obedient Humble Servt





National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 613




August 1st 1819


Pardon me for thus intruding in your time by attending as early as you can to the following questions Viz: I have for sale 90 acres of Land and a Mill for which I have a Purchaser and with whom I shall close a Bargain provided his Lordship accepts of me to go to the Cape - a Non acceptance will prevent an immediate sale. Consequently your obtaining his Lordship's determination on this important question will give me / if accepted / time to settle this business and make my other requisite arrangements - I have likewise to beg his Lordship will allow my Brother to take out 20 Families he has as well as myself been always in this Agricultural line. Our ages and Families are as follows. I am 31 years of Age and have 5 Children my Brother is 28 years of Age and [h]as a Wife and three Children a younger Brother Aged 21 years will accompany us as likewise a Brother in law Aged 27 and a Sister Aged 22 with 2 Children and Mr FOX Aged 31 years. We have made our Calculation as to Capital required and shall make up our number of Sixty Families Select those whose Ages does not exceed ours and those that [h]as been used to Farming work with a sufficient number of Mechanic's for that purpose. We likewise wish to know - whether Government provides any Agricultural Implements and whether we shall be allowed to take those Implements and seeds we select and lastly to what part of the Cape are we to go. Your early attendance to this will very much Oblige Sir

Your Most Ob'dt Humble Serv'nt


Yours of the 28th July came safe to hand




National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 706




12th Aug 1819


I am sorry I should again trouble you respecting your accepting me but having arrangements to make that will take some little time viz the selling of some Land the particulars of which I named in my last is the only cause of my whishing to know as early a period as possible the time of paying in the deposit as my arrangements will be made accordingly,

I remain Sir, Your Most Obdt Humble Servt.





National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 742




Aug 23rd 1819


The great desire I have for obtaining a Grant of Land in the Cape with the immediate settlement of some affairs provided that should take place is the cause of my thus troubling you. You were kind enough to say in answer to a previous letter of mine that the particulars of a former letter should be answered as soon as his Lordship had determined - some time [h]as elapsed and there may yet be some time in hand before his Lordship does determine. I therefore beg you will favour me with your private opinion on the subject before stated the most material of which is obtaining the Grant the which with any of the information you can give me will greatly oblige Sir

Your Most Ob'nt Humble Ser'vt


The inclosed you will please to accept being a small remuneration for the trouble given you. In answer to this Please to address to be left 58 Belvidere Place, Great Suffolk Street, Boro




National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 745

Aug'st 24th 1819


I am truly sorry for what I did yesterday, and most humbly and fervently beg your pardon - It was from ignorance to the extreme and not ment or intended to convict myself nor give offence or injury to you in any shape whatever neither was it intended as a premium for the Land but merely for your opinion - which offence not intended. I hope to be forgiven and further beg on account of the number whom had joined with me and who knew nothing of my acting so inconsistently that you will look over the offence and accept us in the number to go to the Cape of Good Hope

From Sir Your Most Obedient Humble Servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 842


7 Oct 1819

My Lord,

In compilyance with the instruction received from your Lordship's office of the 30th September, I have returned the three lists filled up agreeable with the different heads contained in the said Lists. My selection of them I trust will be satisfactory to your Lordship, being principally labourers, except a few mechanics, which are indispensible, all strong, healthy young men, having taken the greatest care in making my selection - As I shall wait in Town till I receive your Lordship's further instructions, be pleased to address me at the Golden Cross, Charing Cross, London.

I am My Lord

Your Lordship's Most Obedient Very Humble Servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 910



12 Nov 1819

My Lord,

Having learnt at your Lordship's office Downing Street that I am with my party to embark at Portsmouth for the Cape of Good Hope and having mentioned at the Navy Office that it will be allowed with no inconvenience on their part for me to embark here provided it meets your Lordship's approbation. Should your Lordship therefore please to report to the Navy Office that my Embarkation may take place at Deptford it will save me the expense of taking 60 Tons Luggage from London to Portsmouth together with the expense of taking several families which I think your Lordship will take into your consideration and make the order accordingly.

I am My Lord Your Lordship's Most Obedient Humble Servant





National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 930

My Lord

Permit me to inform your Lordship that in consequence of not been able to get the purchase money of an Estate which I have sold for 4350£ in time to go out with my party I therefore by your Lordship's will allow my brother to accompany them in my behalf until I shall be able to join them he can command a sufficient capital for that purpose till I join which will be in at farthest 2 months. He is now in London from Birmingham and would have accompanyed me as likewise with four other brothers whose capital altogether will amount to 4000 and upwards.

from My Lord

Your Lordship's Most Ob'dt Humble Servt


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