National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 774
4 Sept 1819
My Lord,
Having observed in the public prints that it is the intention of Government to colonize a certain part of the Cape of Good Hope, it is my wish as well as that of my family, provided your Lordship should think proper to permit us to embark – my family consists of 5 sons and 3 daughters aged 5 to 18 years, with myself and my wife would make the number required, viz 10. I am a Medical Man but have a compleat knowledge of Agriculture, Mechanics, Hydraulics &c. Your Lordship will oblige me by saying from what ports the vessels to sail from; and to whom, and under which office, the stipulated sums to be paid according to the different ages of those embarking and what are the necessarys permitted to be taken out by each family of 10.
Waiting your Lordship's reply
Your Lordship's most obed't hbl sev't
Thomas HARRISON, Surgeon
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