National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 648
34 York Buildings
Baker Street
New Road
5 August 1819
My Lord
I had the honor of addressing your Lordship six months past expressing a wish to embark for New South Wales, to which application I received for answer a circular letter the which, my means prevented me complying with. I have now most respectfully to solicit that I may be sent to the Cape of Good Hope, and request to be informed upon what prospects etc & what sum of money may be requisite. Born a Gentleman, & Educated as such I served in the army, & with credit, was with Lord CATHCART at the capture of Copenhagen in 1807. Landed with Sir David BAIRD at Coruna in 1808 upon the retreat of the gallant Sir John MOORE, & the same year embarked for the peninsular, & had the honor of serving in Portugal, Spain & France until 1814 - during which period I was present at the whole of the battles fought upon the northern side of the country til the final action of Toulouse.
But from unforeseen events am much reduced & the pressure of the times render me scarcely able to exist. I have therefore again presumed to offer my services, when should they be accepted my utmost efforts and abilities shall be exerted further to serve that country for whom I have repeatedly fought.
May I be permitted further to solicit a reply to alleviate the excruciating pain of suspense, with as little delay as possible ad interim.
I subscribe myself with the greatest respect
your Lordships most obed & most humble servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 678
34 York Buildings
Baker St
New Road
9 August 1819
I am favored with your office circular of the 6th in reply to mine of the 5th inst for which permit me to return my thanks for your attention, but finding it impossible to raise a sufficient sum to accomplish my object, it has occurred to me that possibly the government may be induced to send out a schoolmaster, should such be the intention, may I be permitted to offer my services, when perhaps you may kindly promote my interest.
I am a married man my age is 36 my wife would accompany me, & allow me if it is not too far encroaching upon your time to beg you will be pleased to inform me whether I may flatter myself on that subject.
I have the honor to be
Sir your most obliged humble servant
[Note written at the bottom of this letter: No intention at present of making any appointment of the nature pointed out by him.]
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