National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 690
No.18 Park Place
10 Aug 1819
The humble petition of John HAMES
Sheweth that your petitioner is a British born subject, has a wife without any family and is 36 years of age. Your petitioner will engage to take out to the intended new colony near the Cape of Good Hope 10 able bodied men without wives or families with himself his wife and female servant for the obtainment of a grant of land, in conformity to the circular issued for that purpose.
Your petitioner further requests that a sufficient tonnage will likewise be granted him to enable him to carry out his furniture, farming utensils & a wooden frame house free of expense.
Your petitioner for the last 10 years has resided abroad in Spain as agent for a Commercial House and has within these few months only past returned home from Africa where has lived upwards of 2 years.
Your petitioner flatters himself also from his experience he might be able to render himself of particular service to his Majesty's Government in any wise capacity in the intended new colony which he humbly solicits; from the recommendation of the most respectable merchants of London which he is ready to produce and your petitioner will ever pray
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