HADEN, Rev.A.B. re Thomas WARD
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 854
[Transcribers Note : This is Alexander Bunn HADEN, born in Stafford, son of Alexander Bunn HADEN. The CCED - Clergy of the Church of England Database gives that he was serving as Perpetual Curate to the parish of Woore in 1819 and was Vicar of Brewood in 1830]
Nr. Wolverhampton
9th Oct. 1819
My Lord,
Thomas WARD of this parish, desiring to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope, agreeable to the late regulations of his Majesty's Government, caused his name to be transmitted to the proper office as one of them - and was accepted. Since that time it appearing that others of this parish wished to emigrate, the above mentioned Thomas WARD was selected as a proper person to conduct them, and he accordingly again transmitted his name, with the names of the ten persons desirious to accompany him, to the office of the Colonial Depart. to which no answer whatever has been received. These persons are likely soon to become a burden to the parish, owing to the lack of trade. I should be obliged by your Lordships directions how the said Thomas WARD is to act.
I am, My Lord
Yr. Lordship's most humble servt.
Minister of Brewood
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