National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 355
9 August 1819
My Lord,
Having a wish to avail myself of any boon intended to be given to an emigrant for the Cape of Good Hope may I request your Lordship's instructions to enable me to enter into the wishes of Government on the subject and to adopt the measures requisite for emigration. Or should Government wish it I would accept of the employment of their surveyor of lands, which I presume must be requisite in the establishment for this important colony.
If I should be favoured with your Lordship's reply in time I can wait on your Lordship personally in a few weeks when I shall be in London to publish some material improvements in Mathematicks, which may not prove any disqualification to my pretensions to your Lordship's consideration.
I beg leave to refer your Lordship to my letter on the subject of my visit to London in Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine of August 1818 and to subscribe myself, my Lord
Your Lordship's most obed't serv't
Land and Timber Surveyor
PS The most respectable references can be given and testimonials can be commanded if required
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