GRIFFITH, Charles, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 300
23 Francis Street
Jul 28th 1819
I take the liberty of addressing you to request you will do me the favour to inform me what part of the south east coast of the Cape of Good Hope it is under the contemplation of the Government to form a new settlement by the latest circular to encourage emigration to that colony, and if the half pay officer entitled to a part in Nova Scotia or Canada will be allowed the same acreage of land by turning his views to the Cape settlement. I shall also wish to be informed if any of the transports to carry out settlers will sail from either of the out ports of Liverpool or Bristol.
I have Sir the honor to be your obed't humble serv't
Lt. Royal Marines
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 410
Sept 4th 1819
My Lord,
In compliance with your Lordship's directions of the 21st ult in answer to my application made through one of the magistrates of this county for permission to go out as a settler to the Cape of Good Hope.
I beg leave to assure your Lordship that with my brother, who wishes to join me in taking out ten labourers each, that we are most ready to conform to all the conditions upon which His Majesty's Government have offered to grant lands in the colony; and agreeable to the printed form desiring a detailed statement of the names and ages of all the persons we beg to transmit the following list of the twenty able bodied individuals with their wives and children who are desirous to accompany us.
We have the honor to be my Lord
Your most obedient humble servants
Valentine GRIFFITH
Lieuts. Royal Marines Half Pay
A detailed statement of twenty men, eighteen women and twenty seven children proposed to be taken out to the colony of the Cape of Good Hope by Valentine GRIFFITH and Charles GRIFFITH agreeable to the form directed by letter of the 22nd August in answer to application through one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Montgomery to obtain permission to go out as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope Colony.
Newtown, Sept 4th 1819
Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers:
Valentine GRIFFITH
Lieut HP Royal Marines
Aged 29
Lieut. Royal Marines
Aged 31
Names of Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Ages |
Female Children |
Ages |
23 |
26 |
Richard JONES |
Bailiff |
30 |
Hannah JONES |
29 |
Richard/Isaac |
7/6 |
Betsy |
2 |
Farrier |
22 |
Cornelia GRIFFITH |
25 |
William JONES |
Sawer |
32 |
30 |
Richard MILLS |
Saddler |
28 |
Eliza MILLS |
24 |
Gardener |
31 |
28 |
John/William |
12/5 |
Jane/Betsy |
8/1 |
Thomas JONES |
Labourer |
42 |
James DAVIS |
Labourer |
35 |
Mary DAVIS |
31 |
John |
7 |
Ann |
3 |
Thomas EVANS |
Labourer |
33 |
Eliza EVANS |
25 |
James/John |
5/3 |
Eliza |
8 |
James HOWELL |
Mason |
24 |
John JAMES |
Joiner |
40 |
Martha JAMES |
36 |
John |
6 |
James JONES |
Sawer |
29 |
Jane JONES |
25 |
Jane |
2 |
Thomas OWEN |
Labourer |
41 |
Harriet OWEN |
40 |
Richard HUGHES |
Carpenter |
25 |
30 |
Edward |
8 |
Mary/Betsy |
9/5 |
Thomas MORRIN |
Blacksmith |
28 |
Elizabeth MORRIN |
23 |
Thomas |
2 |
Ann |
1 |
Labourer |
38 |
Mary Williams |
33 |
John/Thomas |
10/8 |
Mary |
11 |
Thomas HOWELLS |
Carpenter |
33 |
Labourer |
34 |
Hannah MORGAN |
30 |
James/Reece |
11/9 |
Jane |
3 |
Labourer |
31 |
33 |
Thomas LEWIS |
Labourer |
39 |
Martha LEWIS |
35 |
John |
7 |
Harriet |
5 |
George GREEN |
Miller |
39 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 429
Hungerford Coffee House
Sept 21st 1819
I am induced from a most unexpected circumstance earnestly to request you will favour me with some information respecting the application I had the honor to make to Lord BATHURST on the subject of the Cape of Good Hope settlement, as my immediate acceptance of half pay must depend entirely upon that application meeting a favourable answer.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obed't humble sev't
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 518
13 Cornwallis Street
December 14th 1819
I beg to be allowed the indulgence of enclosing a new settler list of the party of settlers under the direction of myself & brother and ordered to embark on board the ‘Stentor' transport. It was out of our power before the present moment of going on board to convey a list corrected and to be depended upon, as the people were generally withdrawing from their agreement. You will perceive the alterations are simply that of names and a reduction of four in the number of women and two children. The spirit of the instructions for my guidance I trust will be found I have attended strictly to in the alterations I have been compelled to make. The party will be all embarking tomorrow and as my brother is in possession of Lord SOMERSET's letter on his arrival at this place I will forward by tomorrow's post that letter for any alteration that may be necessary
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obed't humble sev't
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