GREEN, John Henry
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 316
No.24 Great Arthur St
Goswell St
July 31 1819
Having heard of the emmigration to the Cape of Good Hope and being desirous with my wife and brother of settling there I have taken the liberty of writing to you for particulars. I am a young man 25 years of age, my brother is 18 years of age, both in reduced circumstances. We have been accustomed to the manufacture of gold and silver wares which like the profession of many other artisans is very indifferent at this time. I have made bold to enquire if Government gives a free passage wether I have the liberty of takeing utensils or household furniture and what provision will be made for us when we arrive at the Cape untill we can assist ourselves. I humbly ask pardon for so many questions which I asked more on my wife's account than my own and remain Sir
Your most obd't serv't
John Henry GREEN Jun
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