National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 324
August 24, 1819
Honoured Sir
With great respect I take this opportunity of writing to you hoping you will please to excuse the freedom that I take on this subject being informed that government intends to extend the colony at the Cape of good Hope by allotting a quantity of land to any person that chooses to go to the Cape. I should wish very much to have a quantity of land allotted to me there. My relations are most of them farmers. My father Richard GARDENER rents a farm under Lord FOLEY some of my relations rent under Sir Thomas WINNERTON if you think proper to write to either of the stewards they can give you the same information.
Lord FOLEY'S steward, Mr Selby WHITLEY or to Mr Joseph HARRIS Esq, Worcester, Sir Thomas WINNERTON'S steward.
I hope I shall raise some money among my friends towards stocking the farm and what Government may think proper to advance my father will be bound for the repayment of the same. I am a single man 28 years of age healthy and strong, reside at Mr POUNTREY'S Grocer, High Street. You will excuse me writing to you Sir, I did not know anyone else that could give me information & a letter from your office will much oblige your humble servant
at Mr POUNTREY'S Grocer, Birmingham
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