GABLE, James
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 333
August 1 1819
I have heard that you treat with people for the emigration to the Cape off good Hope. I have a wish to settle there, should be glad if you would give me instructions how to proscede on the business I having served in the N service as a joiner and cabinetmaker. I have a wife but no family & in good health being only married 4 years whas discharg'd from the Gorgon 44 guns should be glad of an answer as soon as convenient & please to direct for James GABLE at Mr WATHMOREs 33 tothill street westminster
PS I likewise can make all sorts of Carpenters tools & should be happy if you would inform me who to apply to respecting going & by so doing you will much oblige your humble servant
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